
Headline-Generating Medical Device Safety Concerns—Mike on Medtech

Headline-Generating Medical Device Safety Concerns—Mike on Medtech

Mike Drues and Sean Fenske discuss some recent news about unsafe medical devices and falsified test data.

By Sean Fenske, Editor-in-Chief05.02.24
In this Medtech Matters podcast episode of Mike on Medtech with Mike Drues, president of Vascular Sciences, we’re reviewing a few stories in the news that tie into the safety of medical devices. First, a story regarding plastic syringes made in China that were deemed not to be used by the FDA. The other story is about a report indicating third-party testing lab data may be unreliable and, in some cases, falsified. Specifically, the following questions are addressed:

  • Can you give some additional insights into each of these news items and explain how they are connected?
  • Given the medtech universe and all the different types of devices it encompasses, a syringe seems somewhat low on the list of advanced devices. What can we learn from this device?
  • If a basic device like a syringe cracks or doesn’t function properly, how realistic is it that the issue is reported to the manufacturer or FDA?
  • If my device includes a syringe but it’s not manufactured by one of the companies that received a warning letter (or maybe it’s not even made in China), do I have anything to worry about?
  • Do you have an example to help illustrate this?
  • Looking beyond syringes, obviously virtually all device manufacturers rely on testing data. If the FDA is warning makers about third-party labs providing fabricated, duplicated, or otherwise unreliable data, what should companies do who use third-party testing labs?
  • What are the takeaways?

Listen to this discussion and see what you think of these concerns regarding device safety. If you’d like to share thoughts, ask questions, or have a suggestion for a future topic for us to cover, please reach out to me at sfenske@rodmanmedia.com and we’ll see if we want to address your ideas/inquiries/suggestions in a future episode.

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